Which is easier to control – what you hear, or what you say?
Seems like a simple question, no? If someone asked us if our speech is under our control, most of us would say yes.
But let’s look at it from a different angle. Which is easier, to switch the news off, or not to say something sarcastic to the receptionist who has screwed up your appointment time for the third week running?
Chinese medicine sees every function of the body as happening on three levels: physical, emotional, and mental. Your brain processes mental inputs the same way that your digestive system processes food.
What part of the physical digestion is under your conscious control, what you put into your body or what comes out?
What we absorb from the environment will come back out. (Has anyone here every heard a parent’s voice coming out of their mouth?) Maybe it will come out in conversation with a friend, or in therapy, or as a rock opera. We have the ability to process mental energy into a greater variety of forms than physical energy, but what come in will go out.
Usually, it is a lot easier to control your environment than to try and control your body’s reaction to that environment.
If you want to change what you do, try changing what goes on around you and see what happens.
Hi! I’m Havva Mahler, a practitioner of Chinese medicine: acupuncture, Chinese herbs, reflexology, tuina, sotai and a bunch of other words you’ve probably never heard of ?
I also spend a lot of time thinking and learning about human behavior, because so much of our health is dependent on our actions.
You can find more thoughts on health, wellness and personal growth on my blog, and you can also sign up here to get future blog posts delivered by carrier pigeon email.