Today I listened to a debate about whether it is better to have a week full of moments you will remember in ten years, or one where nothing memorable happens.
As I was listening I thought that they are asking the wrong questions.

The question I would ask, in order to evaluate my week (or holiday, or quarantine), is “Who do I want to be ten years from now? and my actions get me closer to or farther away from that?”
Remember, the future doesn’t happen. The future is created.
Things I did this week that I probably won’t remember in ten years:
Two workouts
Making and eating homemade, healthy, vegan meals
Putting the box of chocolate back at the grocery store
Things I did this week that I might remember in ten years:
Helping a family friend sort out her flight back to Israel
Sending a young women a birthday gift
Helping another friend look into long term care for a family member
Knitting a blanket
Things I will do this week that I will absolutely remember in ten years:
Doing Seder night alone in my apartment with only one family member
Out of all the things that I have done and will do this week, which ones move me farthest along the path to the 43 year old I hope to be?
Probably these:
2 workouts
Making and eating homemade, healthy, vegan meals
Putting the box of chocolate back at the grocery store
Because they are habits I am building. And daily habits have a far bigger impact on your health and happiness than most major life events. Even now.
Making my health a priority, eating cruelty-free, and not buying things that aren’t on my shopping list are habits that will take me to where I want to be when I grow old.

What do you want to be in ten years?
Hi! I’m Havva Mahler, a practitioner of Chinese medicine: acupuncture, Chinese herbs, tuina, reflexology, sotai and massage. You can normally find me at one of my clinics in Be’er Sheva or Sderot, but right now I am home doing my part to not spread viruses and writing about Chinese personalty analysis… new blog posts on the subject coming soon!
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