Pre-Pesach thought about freedom:
“Between stimulus and response there’s a space, in that space lies our power to choose our response, in our response lies our growth and our freedom.” –Viktor Frankl
If so, anything that enables us to react more calmly and rationally increases our ability to be free.
Inner freedom requires a brain capable of higher thought.
Thought takes more energy than automatic reactions.
If we give the brain more energy and we increase our capacity for freedom.
What energizes a brain?
Sleep, water, oxygen and food.
Without any one of these the brain not be able to think things through as quickly, and the odds that we will respond automatically rather than choosing how to respond in any given situation go way up.

Therefore, sleep is essential for freedom.
Have a wonderful Pesach, I’ll see you back here in two weeks.
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Hi! I’m Havva Mahler, a practitioner of Chinese medicine: acupuncture, Chinese herbs, tuina, reflexology, sotai and massage and a motivation and nutrition consultant. You can normally find me at my clinic in Be’er Sheva or Sderot, or reading something about health and/or motivation. You can find out more about me here. Get in touch with me here. And sign up to get the next blog post delivered straight to your inbox here.
To sleep, perchance, to dream?
Aye, there’s the rub!
Perchance. Did you get any sleep seder night? 🙂
Some. Finished at 1245 (we started an hour earlier this year). ?